Buenos fucking días baby!

I love who I am, who I am becoming- this version of me looks good. And not the kind of good that goes out to dance, the kind of good that feels like I have arrived home.

That feeling of peace, of knowing, and alignment with my personal truth.

I can see the whole line of my life to this point- like looking down an arrow, with all of its twists and turns, trials and tribulations, paradoxically it feels like I was on a straight path, guiding me to this point (although earlier versions of me might have asked questions like - why? and what does it all mean?).

Maybe it doesn't matter, or maybe it does. Either way, it feels like I have arrived in the most luxurious place I’ve ever been. At home in my own body.

In love with my personality. returned home to my spirit, with all her divinity, all the love she has for this planet, for those around me, for my daughter, for the beings we share our space with.

Well this turned out to be something else now, didn't it?

Buenos fucking días baby!!!

Muito amor,

Shelly X


Follow the whispers of your soul


The Arena