Rochelle Barclay Rochelle Barclay

The possibility

Sometimes all we need is a glimmer of something to feel the fullness of real possibility and renew our sense of hope.

Like a moment of feeling the suns warmth kissing your cold skin after a long winter of self-doubt, hope, or her stronger side-kick - faith, brings warmth to our hearts and a renewed sense of possibility.

Possibility is a rich and fertile space to explore all the things that could be, all the ideas, and all the ideals that we hold in our hearts.

Hope for a peace filled future.

Hope for respite from whatever is ailing our soul.

Hope that people acting out of integrity, without love and consideration for all will suddenly realise this madness.

Over time, hope will grow into something bigger, a deep knowing, a faith, or isvara pranidana- surrendering to this knowing of all that is.

The more we develop our faith muscle, and understand and accept that the universe is on our side, the more grounded and supported we feel.

Its funny, because I started off writing this piece after watching a movie about past lives. The movie showcases the Korean buddhist belief that relationships and interactions between people in this life are a result of interactions in past lives. ‘In-yun’ means that encounters are not accidental, that there is some kind of pre-ordained cosmic thread between people to remind you that this person is a part of your journey. 緣 provides an explanation of why certain humans will meet at a time and place.

I love philsophising on all different kinds of ideas and concepts from different cultures and practices, and the idea of In-yun, is very relatable.

Its like that divine spark of recognition that you just cant describe, that doesnt make sense to the mind/ego. Like you feel like you know someone already.

Look sometimes it all ends in a mess….. its not all roses out there in life, but I think these encounters are important of the journey of our soul.

But perhaps most importantly, its a sweet little reminder from life that we are all connected. No matter how far apart we might wander in time and space, the cosmic tapestry of life is holding us all together in the most warm embrace we could imagine.

Yours in the love of it all,

Shelly X

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Rochelle Barclay Rochelle Barclay

Gypsy wanderer-ing

"Just when I’d managed to find all the answers, they changed all the questions.”

And so it goes.

The last six months has been a little challenging. Another trip into the complexities of the psyche- unravelling, unnerving at times, and finally some liberation.

You see, they told me (I love it how we always say ‘they’, like this group of people that have been advising us our whole lives- some kind of counsel), that my job was to raise my child. And that I did. Diligently, proficiently and dutifully.

And I guess I thought that when I got to the big milestone in Anglo-culture- 18 -that I would have succeeded, and finally there might be some sort of acknowledgement/assistance or some kind of apology from the people that didn’t help. But there was more radio silence.

It’s a weird thing in our culture- motherhood that is. You are conditioned to believe that giving over your whole being is the mark of a ‘good’ mother. And in my case-I managed to do all the providing, all the caring (albeit there are some things I could have done better) with little-no support. Thats a long fucking time to be solo parenting.

You are meant to do all of this with a smile and to be grateful for this gift. Yes I am grateful, but I was also very tired…… running a household on one salary for all those years took its toll.

I am happy to say that after some ‘poor-me’ moments, whilst my mind was conflicted with the knowing that I should be grateful because of the privilege I have here, I am still cognizant that our society is sick- parenting is not designed to be the responsibility of just one person, or even just two functioning adults for that matter.

With this knowledge, and after a lot of rest/self care the last month, I am ready and willing to step into the next phase of life - aptly termed by a fellow mother of adult children- ‘gypsy-wandering’. A time in my life where I can take my lived experiences and transmute into something of benefit for the next generation, in the way that Native American cultures believes in enriching the world for the next seven generations.

I don’t know exactly how that looks just yet- a book, conversations with young-folk, or perhaps just shining my own light in the way that yoga has taught me.

I do know this- whatever you are doing as a parent in Anglo-society- you are probably under resourced- if not financially, in terms of connection and genuine support, and all this disconnect needs to shift into community and care.

With all my motherly love, I see you (of course in the avatar kinda way), and I am here to help you good thangs XXX

Tudo amor,

Shelly X

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Rochelle Barclay Rochelle Barclay

Follow the whispers of your soul

Follow the whispers of your soul, she knows where you need to be, even if it hurts like hell. Sometimes you choose yourself over a pain-filled future trying to please and feel loved by another. And this my friend, is the start of the most beauty-full relationship you will ever know.

I think our girl Frida got it right when she said:

"leaving is not enough; you must

stay gone. train your heart

like a dog. change the locks

even on the house he’s never

visited. you lucky, lucky girl.

you have an apartment

just your size. a bathtub

full of tea. a heart the size

of Arizona, but not nearly

so arid. don’t wish away

your cracked past, your

crooked toes, your problems

are papier mache puppets

you made or bought because the vendor

at the market was so compelling you just

had to have them. you had to have him.

and you did. and now you pull down

the bridge between your houses.

you make him call before

he visits. you take a lover

for granted, you take

a lover who looks at you

like maybe you are magic. make

the first bottle you consume

in this place a relic. place it

on whatever altar you fashion

with a knife and five cranberries.

don’t lose too much weight.

stupid girls are always trying

to disappear as revenge. and you

are not stupid. you loved a man

with more hands than a parade

of beggars, and here you stand. heart

like a four-poster bed. heart like a canvas.

heart leaking something so strong

they can smell it in the street".

All the feels



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Rochelle Barclay Rochelle Barclay

Buenos fucking días baby!

I love who I am, who I am becoming- this version of me looks good. And not the kind of good that goes out to dance, the kind of good that feels like I have arrived home.

That feeling of peace, of knowing, and alignment with my personal truth.

I can see the whole line of my life to this point- like looking down an arrow, with all of its twists and turns, trials and tribulations, paradoxically it feels like I was on a straight path, guiding me to this point (although earlier versions of me might have asked questions like - why? and what does it all mean?).

Maybe it doesn't matter, or maybe it does. Either way, it feels like I have arrived in the most luxurious place I’ve ever been. At home in my own body.

In love with my personality. returned home to my spirit, with all her divinity, all the love she has for this planet, for those around me, for my daughter, for the beings we share our space with.

Well this turned out to be something else now, didn't it?

Buenos fucking días baby!!!

Muito amor,

Shelly X

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Rochelle Barclay Rochelle Barclay

The Arena

The Heroes’ journey (life) is just that- It takes a hero to choose courage over comfort- stepping across thresholds and stepping into the arena:⁣⠀

❝It is not the critic who counts, nor the man who points out how the strong man stumbled or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly...who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause; who, at best, knows the triumph of high achievement; and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat❞⁣⠀

It is so easy (and yet boring) to throw criticism at people and belittle what is usually really hard work. One thing I have learned in the past 18 years is that if you are not in the arena (for me that is single/solo parenting) then I don’t want your opinions or criticism.⁣⠀
Those working hard on their vision and goals won't have time to criticise others- and will have great respect for their fellow gamechangers; understanding how much blood sweat and tears it really does take to push forward and step across thresholds of understanding and to actualise a dream.⁣
Thanks for the ever-inspiring words Brene Brown and Teddy Roosevelt for the quote above. if you need some words of encouragement, remember you are the change we need to see- keep going!⁣⠀

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Rochelle Barclay Rochelle Barclay

It’s the comeback that counts.

We all trip over our own karma/trauma/drama as we meddle our way through the complexity of the human experience.

We dance with the devil, rise again with the new-day sun, only to fall back into the same potholes cleverly created by the monkey mind.

There is a certain beauty, a divine grace, to be noticed in the seemingly crazy tangents we repeatedly experience to learn the lesson.

Something one of my yoga teachers said in class once really resonated with me:

If there is no right, there can be no wrong.

(Disclaimer-Follow your moral code - there are some basic principles to live ‘right’ in this world. The ask for forgiveness later mantra does not always cut it).

What I like about to contemplate about this is that it gives us permission to be human, sometimes frail, sometimes flawed and always with the opportunity for growth.

What if every time we failed, we learnt that we have permission to grow and to change and become a better version of ourselves.

What if that relationship taught you boundaries.

What if that icky-job taught you what you don’t want to do for the rest of your life.

What if your traumatic childhood created a wound that is the key to your life purpose.

What if you can turn it all around to create some next-level magick dear one.

Now you can tilt your head back and laugh at the sky.



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Rochelle Barclay Rochelle Barclay

A break-up letter to myself

Hello Darling

To feel - is to trust- and, (someone told me this morning)- always trust how you feel.

For a brief moment I felt sad, disappointed, and frustrated (with the universe) to be breaking up, because, well you lit me up. I feel safe with you. I like who you are. 

I feel you are an amazing human being, really doing your best in this crazy complicated society we find ourselves in.

It seems your heart might still be hurting from other heartbreak, and that on its own is alot! Let alone the daily operation of adulting.

You have honoured yourself deeply by making this choice- and in turn- that is honouring me.  By following our own personal truths, we are in loving service to ourselves, and subsequently to those around us. Thank you. 

There is an expression, I think it is Buddhist- that says we are all walking each other home. Like you, I am human, complex, beautiful, feeling a range of emotions every day whilst supporting my family and following my dreams. 

By you honouring your truth, you are helping me on my walk home. That is, the sadness I felt in this break up was an opportunity for me in a few different ways. In that moment I could choose to focus on the anger or sadness (which I did feel and honour) but I chose to focus on how much I love myself, and also that you are choosing yourself + with the added bonus of being able to communicate that- which makes you an emotionally evolved human! (and I attracted you so I must be on a good path!!). 

I feel for you- I really do. There is a part of me that wishes I could come and hug you, cook you a meal, and sit with you whilst you share. I want to be your friend too - that is as sexy as all the other things. However, I respect where you are at, and I know that there is deep beauty in you making this call. I see you (in the avatar way).  I have reverence for this opportunity. 

We can never know what will happen next (relax- everything is out of control- someone reminded me of this recently). So, for now, I just want to honour all of you- the human that I encountered who is kind, thoughtful, extremely intelligent, emotionally evolved, a dedicated father, dedicated to himself, hardworking, and with a beauty-full soul.

I am here - however that looks.

I am sending you a prayer of loving support - you are a vibe!

With love, 

Shelly x

PS. If you are looking for a tool to add to your toolkit, I recommend the Ho’oponopono  prayer/mantra. It is super-simple and you can use it for anything.

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Rochelle Barclay Rochelle Barclay

True love.

What is it?

It sure isn’t what they’ve taught us. True love doesn’t restrict/control/keep score.

It allows you to be you- all of you- the tricky parts that you would like to ignore.

For me its the people in my life that sit with me in the salty - sweet - sad - silence of the dark night of your soul and watch the alchemisation of the pain in my heart. ⁠⁠

You know your people- the ones that see you in the avatar kind of way. The friends that honour the divine in you, even when you are unable to remember your own divinity. They see through all the layers to the incredible beauty that you are.

Friend-love doesn’t wait for you to be on the pedestal with the whole world singing your praises.  They are part of the pillar that holds you up in each and every moment.

Tu amiga,

Shelly X

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Rochelle Barclay Rochelle Barclay


I've been the victim and the perpetrator, the martyr and the saviour. I've been the mother and the child, the maiden and the crone, the master and the slave. I've walked a thousand lifetimes in this one lifetime.

Lived experience allows us to understand all aspects of the human condition.

I understood the concept of forgiveness intellectually, and why forgiving harmful actions would ultimately benefit me. Still, there was something deeper that that I needed to remember, and to feel, on the all-knowing level.

When you have been the victim of violent acts its not an easy path to forgiveness. You don't have to forgive the action. Some actions are just too painful.

If you can see the perpetrator as a child- running around with stuck energy not knowing what to do with this energy, we might begin to have empathy.

We have all had some pretty fucking horrible stuff happen to us at one point. This puts on the path to stopping the cycle.

What if we viewed every thought/choice/action through the lens of the seven generations principle- that is, if we thought about everything in terms of how it would impact our ancestors going back 7 generations, and how it would harm or benefit our descendants going forward 7 generations.

By engaging our forgiveness muscles, we can transform the pain and suffering, and be the ancestors our children deserve.⁣⠀

Yours in the love of it all,

Rochelle Claire X

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Rochelle Barclay Rochelle Barclay

The madness.

How do you stop shame …. You know that strong voice demanding your attention?

Eckhart Tolle says “ But to see your own madness is the beginning of healing insanity. Because there is in every human being not only the madness, there is also the sanity”. 

The tantrikas call it integration of the shadow. The hindu philosophy acknowledges it through the tri-devi and tri-deva. Narcotics Anonymous (12 steps) call it out somewhere (help me out if you know- I can’t remember which step/s it is).

Once we begin to work with the idea of moving through the discomfort of feeling shame (or really any other uncomfortable feeling) with the right tools and the right support, we will eventually go beyond human pain and suffering and find ourselves sitting gracefully and with ease in the hotseat of transformation. 

Shame shows us the things we need to see about ourselves. It takes the focus of the external world- we stop projecting and begin the process of realising that meaningful change- starts with us.

Shame reminds us of our own frailties.

It reminds us that we too are a perfectly-imperfect being- and connects us once again to our fellow humans.

Its a by-product of the madness - the feelings or thoughts we have, or the decisions we have made and actions we have taken, that were not in alignment with our highest self, or for the highest good of all.

You could think of it like a check-point, or an orange light. An opportunity to slow down and take stock. In some cases it could be a red flag!

But the cool thing is, its not the be all and end all, its just another moment. So feel it, but don’t become it.

The monkey mind- the ego- will try and lock you down. Keep you spiralling.

That’s why I am here. To remind you right here and right now that your are PERFECTION EMBODIED. That you are the divine, and that you my dear, are exactly what the world needs. That no matter what you think your issues/imperfections/flaws are- that you just need to keep showing up- for you, and for me.

At the end of the day, we all have something to be shameful about- the magnitude might differ, but we can all do better. Don’t judge yourself, use discernment and keep on moving on.

You are only just getting started my dear.

Big Love,

Shelly X

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Rochelle Barclay Rochelle Barclay

“You had a purpose before anyone had an opinion”

Criticism and judgement are an unfortunate side effect of putting yourself out there.

Brene Brown talks about how easy it is to throw judgment from the ‘cheap seats’ and aptly quotes this speech from Theodore Roosevelt:

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”

Basically- its super easy to criticise when you are doing nothing- if you are in the arena doing the work, you will understand what it takes to even try- (and you won’t have time to judge!).

Simon Sinek does an amazing Ted Talk on your ‘why’ and why your why matters. Marie Forleo is another one to follow when it comes to understanding that the reason you do things will be the difference between those who endure the marathon of a journey, and those who don’t.

Your purpose, your why for getting up on a cold winters morning at 3:30 am to meditate/run/get in an extra hour of work before the world has even thought about waking up (except for those other meditators) will keep you strong and focused when all-the-things fall away. Its a strong motivating force that becomes your own ‘higher power’ (and arguably it comes from our connection with our own higher power).

The yogis call it your Dharma, and whether or not you believe it is pre-ordained, it sure as hell makes the human experience more bearable (when you are going through it), more enjoyable and more understandable (for those of us who like to ‘know’).

It doesn't matter how old you feel; your current bank balance; whether or not you can handstand; or how many followers you have. What's important is that you show up. You do the work. You understand what it is that makes your soul sing and you go out there and start- because:

“T h e r e is another level with your name on it❞⠀(just keep swimming).

Start with what you have and the universe will fall in line quicker than you could imagine. You see you my dear came here to shine and to share your love with this world. We need your own unique form of light/love/magick/power.

Love, Love, Love,

Rochelle X

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Rochelle Barclay Rochelle Barclay

Stadium Sized Heart

Sitting in circle, I shared how liberating it feels to express my love to people - to show them, to tell them, to not be afraid of the amount of love I feel.

Over the years, I’ve been asked to turn the volume down, to moderate, to love quietly.

But lately I have been leaning into life with my courageous, wild, and stadium sized heart.

My natural state.

Fuck that feels good to say.

Jacqui, the circle facilitator, validated me with these wise words (or something like it):

When you have been loving people who can’t receive for one reason or another, it’s scary and hard to love in your natural way. But when you have a stadium sized heart, and alot of love to give, its natural to just, well, just love.

Translation: No one puts baby in the corner :)

The idea and practice of non-attachment has been in the zeitgeist for a while. Yes there is merit in this practice, non-secure attachment means we all have a tonne of work to do. But at the same time, human beings are social and connected creatures. Love and connection are a core need. There is an epidemic of loneliness in Western culture, with scientists studying its effect on our health and as a contributing cause to death.

So I say, its time to normalise loving, and expressing that love - in all its forms.

I love you. I love you. I love you.

Doesn’t that feel good to say. To feel. To be.

I am here to love, and love I will. If you are not ready, I will love you anyway. If you throw it back at me, or put up a defence, I will love you from afar. If you shut down because you don’t know how to receive, I will hold space for that with gracious love.

I love you when you show me your shadow (cause undoubtedly I’ll show you mine sometime soon my darling).

I love you when you fall down - I will extend my loving hand.

I love you when you are so tired and confused that you don’t even know what the point of it all is (FYI that could be sleep deprivation and time to check nutrient levels).

I love you in your indecision.

I love you when you smile at the sky on a Tuesday afternoon, counting your blessings.

I love you for no reason.

Muito amor,

Shelly X

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Rochelle Barclay Rochelle Barclay

The space in between.

liminal space

Maybe you have felt it in an oh-so delicious moment of grace.

You know the ones.

Those moments when your mind suspends all thinking just long enough to be present with the beauty, the wonder, the incredible-ness of this life.

It’s a little moment of peace, heaven. transcendent awe.

And then life happens. And the mind re-enters the room- thinking, strategising, over-analysing and compensating.

It’s totally normal (whatever normal really is).

This world we have created, our society with its systems, and ideas, and policies, and public offices, and private property, and all the disconnect, means that sometimes its survival. It’s no longer survival of the fittest- its survival of who can play the game.

For most of us, it’s not a very fun game- not when its your basic needs at stake.

To actually thrive in this world, we need support, community and a calm and regulated nervous system.

That’s where the space-in-between , the suspended moments, become your saving grace.

When the body feels a sense of peace, the nervous system is able to settle, all the functions of the amazing human body have a chance to reset, and we return to homeostasis.

We are reminded that everything in life is a transition. Nothing is permanent, and in this liminal space, the space in between, we begin the transition from what was, to what is next. Sometimes that is bitter sweet.

This threshold moment begs its own reverence. It offers us a metaphorical bridge to the next level. We are held by the transcendental power of the human experience. Always moving us.

Yours in the possibility of it all,



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Rochelle Barclay Rochelle Barclay

A Beautiful Struggle

“Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your


Eckhart Tolle may be right….. but when you are in it, pondering some philosophical concept - wisdom is not so readily received.

A friend Steve once said this to me:

Life is a beautiful struggle.

Sometimes life pushes us to the edge. Sometimes we cry at the wonder of it all.

I think the constant is that there is always a chance to learn.

When your back is up against the wall - it might just be the invitation you have needed- the opportunity the universe has been waiting to show you, so that finally you pay attention to the whispers of your intuition.

The trick is, learning how to navigate the ups and the downs, and how to become a master of change. How can we develop resilience, become adaptable, and become accepting of all-the-things that life places on our path.

The Hindus think big-picture- the concepts of karma and re-incarnation. That is, the cycle of birth, death, and re-birth…… and living out karmic cycles (until you transcend an experience). The cool thing is that you have eternity to acheive self-realisation (ie be able to let go of the mind).

Joseph Campbells’ the Heroes Journey offers another framework- The Journey of the Fool in the tarot. Each period in our life is a new adventure, we begin ignorantly, move through a trial, understand the teaching in the experience, and eventually integrate the lesson to level up or achieve some kind of wisdom.

However you move through life, remember it isn’t always graceful, we are all always learning, and there is no right or wrong way to do it.

Just show up, open your heart, and listen for the whispers. You know what to do. You always have dear one x

Yours in the magick of it all,

Shelly X

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Rochelle Barclay Rochelle Barclay

Changing Truths

I am here to love.

We know by now that my truth is probably different from your truth. My truth is based on the experiences I’ve had, today’s filters, and possibly how much sleep I have had in the last few weeks (or my meditation practice / level of caffeination).

The yogis talk about the maya - the veils of illusion, or layers that muddy our perception.

The scientists talk about hormones and the chemicals in the brain. 

Psychologists will talk about childhood trauma, and past experiences that we are re-living, or re-creating (because there is sooooo much comfort in our discomfort right?!) 

Religious folk will talk about sinning.

Whatever you subscribe to - truth is usually told from a perspective.

Truth changes. And here is why it should:

What if we all thought a monthly fluctuation in hormonal levels really did make you a lunatic (still healing that one down the generational lines). 

What if we thought that the 40-hour work week was the sign of being a good Joe citizen?

What if we believed what we were told- that Australia was terra nullius? (Even though that ‘truth’ has changed, it obviously hasn’t had any practical effect- but that’s another tangent). 

What if we thought being rich and famous meant that you had arrived in life. 

Take-away- Just because someone says it is so, it does not make it so.

If most of what we consider ‘truth’ did not change - we would not be evolving.

Side note -In my experience, all truths may have validity when viewed from a perspective (unless they are not - I’m talking violence, disregard for others, abuse of power etc etc). 

I have learned that there is only one single truth.


I will leave you with some words I often come back to when faced with some of my own mind-fuckery:

“For what good is living if we are not loving

I am here to love and love I will*”

Yours in all-the-things,

Rochelle X

*Words via the divine @jannerobinson from her poem “I am a woman of distinction”.

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Rochelle Barclay Rochelle Barclay

The Yellow Brick Road

The human experience is alot. Part of that experience includes some inevitable suffering.

The human experience is alot. Part of that experience includes some inevitable suffering. 

It looks something like this:

You become aware of some kind of discomfort. Maybe it’s with the physical body (a somatic expression of trauma or stuck energy), or maybe it’s the mind - a need for more, a need to be different, a need to experience something different. Worry. Anxiety. Endless thought cycles.

(FYI -  If you don’t deal with the mind stuff- it will eventually show up in the body).

Now here is where it gets really cool….

You can choose to stay in the ‘poor me’ ‘what about me’, “it’s not my fault” or the “I don’t deserve this” place.

It’s a choice to accept the suffering as permanent. Staying stuck and uncomfortable requires a sustained effort that is exhausting.

Doing nothing is doing something. And it can be surprisingly comfortable in our own discomfort.

Or you might remember that everything is impermanent, and accept the suffering in a different way. You could see it as an indicator, a sign that it’s time to heal and move forward into your next life experience. You envision the proverbial Yellow Brick Road. 

The tricky part is knowing when and how* to move. The first few steps might not be pretty, and we find ourselves in self-doubt.

But as we edge a little closer to the horizon - and there is a magical moment. A moment where momentum, self-belief, and the support of the universe converge. You smile softly, inwardly.

*Pro-tip - follow your heart (not the dopamine).

The Yogis and the Buddhists say:

“From out of the mud blooms the lotus”.

Loose translation - Humans need suffering - it is the flip side of your full expression. 

Being comfortable breeds stagnation. Laziness. And possibly worst of all - the risk of a blasé life.  

Suffering requires you to change. 

Change equates to growth. 

Growth bears wisdom. 

And wisdom, well wisdom will bring you contentment and joy.

So here we are. Full circle.  All that suffering only revealed the truth. You truly are capable, and you always had the magic in you my darling. 



Side note: 

There are levels. You might evolve, process/heal one thing- but there is always something beneath that waiting to reveal itself. Don’t fret. You are only getting started, there is lots of magic to come dear one.

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Rochelle Barclay Rochelle Barclay

Liberation from Freedom


We have been taught that freedom is being able to have, do, and experience what we desire.

Paraphrasing from my fave doco - there really is no freedom in getting what we want all the time. If we did, we would paradoxically be bound by our desire.

Satisfying desire is part of the human suffering/ creative force that we all experience. It’s not all bad, desiring change, desiring a healthier body, desiring a safe home to live in, these are all genuine natural, and rational desires. A lot of our desires are actually core needs that our capitalist and emotionally starved society is failing to meet. But, if we keep desiring things we don’t really need - we might find:

  1. Everything is impermanent-, including (this current) life - no matter what your religion/belief system/philosophy. But my intuition tells me that our Soul is eternal.

  2. We are all connected- (no matter how you want to hash that out), and our actions, and inactions inevitably impact others.

  3. Getting what we want will not necessarily satiate our desire, we will just move on to the next shiny golden thing.

So what does it all mean, and more importantly - what do we do?

Freedom is being content with where and who you are. With all the parts of you (cause I know you know that wherever you go, there you are), and all the things that make up the kaleidoscope of your existence - your fave place to sit and ponder, the familiarity of the waves you love, and the yoga studio that is so still and quiet in the most unexpected ways on a Friday morning. It’s also being content with all the things you feel are less than desirable - that one person at work, the increasingly bad traffic, and people not walking single file on public walking tracks.

So here’s to the desire for freedom- and liberating ourselves from that ……. 💜

P.S - just one more thing, my darling - you are loved, so loved, loved beyond your wildest dreams.

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