
I've been the victim and the perpetrator, the martyr and the saviour. I've been the mother and the child, the maiden and the crone, the master and the slave. I've walked a thousand lifetimes in this one lifetime.

Lived experience allows us to understand all aspects of the human condition.

I understood the concept of forgiveness intellectually, and why forgiving harmful actions would ultimately benefit me. Still, there was something deeper that that I needed to remember, and to feel, on the all-knowing level.

When you have been the victim of violent acts its not an easy path to forgiveness. You don't have to forgive the action. Some actions are just too painful.

If you can see the perpetrator as a child- running around with stuck energy not knowing what to do with this energy, we might begin to have empathy.

We have all had some pretty fucking horrible stuff happen to us at one point. This puts on the path to stopping the cycle.

What if we viewed every thought/choice/action through the lens of the seven generations principle- that is, if we thought about everything in terms of how it would impact our ancestors going back 7 generations, and how it would harm or benefit our descendants going forward 7 generations.

By engaging our forgiveness muscles, we can transform the pain and suffering, and be the ancestors our children deserve.⁣⠀

Yours in the love of it all,

Rochelle Claire X


True love.


The madness.